The Be Unshakable Podcast

Navigating The Transition From Employee to Entrepreneur

Nerissa Malloy Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode of Be Unshakable, we dive deep into the feelings and uncertainties that many Black female professionals and entrepreneurs may be experiencing in the wake of the recent presidential election. But here’s the message: Don’t pack up and give up—strategize and move forward!

We explore how to anchor yourself and stay unshakable, no matter the political landscape, by getting clear on your goals and the steps needed to reach them. We’ll talk about what factors you need to consider to fund and sustain the lifestyle that fulfills your purpose and how to create a transition plan that’s tangible, practical and achievable. Transition also requires bold steps of faith that are hard to do, but you don’t have to do them alone. Let’s define some resources and key individuals in your life that will help support you and keep you accountable to complete your transition successfully.

As a special birthday month bonus, you can save 10% off any Unshakable CEO Strategy sessions or VIP Days to head into the new year with a plan. These opportunities will help you identify gaps and create a strategic blueprint to get to your next level.

In this episode, we cover…

00:39 Presidential Election Reflections
03:00 Overqualified Yet Still Rejected
04:30 Too Busy to Hear Directions
08:00 Let’s Be About the Money
12:05 Be Real with Where You Are
13:33 Map Out Your Path
15:44 It’s Time to Dominate
17:34 Transition Doesn’t Have to Be Lonely
20:05 Birthday Bonus

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Nerissa Malloy
Nerissa Malloy

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